As parents of multiples, we are all about finding clever ways to save time, and Baby Brezza strives to make innovative baby products that help busy parents do just that. The products in their line – which includes solutions for bottle prep, bottle cleaning, food prep, sleep and soothing – use less parts, thus requiring less effort and less cleanup.
Among their many high-quality products, the Formula Pro is perhaps the most well-known. The ‘What To Expect Awards’-winning formula mixer and dispenser is beloved for its mixing technology that combines formula and water to the ideal consistency. The system is fully customizable, and works with all formula brands and bottle types, and is sleek, hygienic, and dishwasher safe. BabyList and Twinsiversity regularly include the Formula Pro on their annual “Best Of” lists. Plus, the new Advanced model allows caregivers to utilize WiFi to make a warm formula bottle instantly with a swipe of their phone.

Baby Brezza also offers a Bottle Warmer and a 1-Step Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer that would make mealtime and cleanup so much easier for any parent. When little ones are ready to start eating table food, Baby Breeza’s award-winning One Step Food Maker Deluxe offers caregivers the opportunity to automatically steam, blend, and store homemade baby food. Additionally, Baby Brezza’s new Sleep and Soothing line – which includes swaddles, sleepsuits, and massagers – are sure to become must-haves for sleep deprived new parents.
The San Diego Parents of Twins Club is grateful to have Baby Brezza as a featured sponsor for this year’s silent auction fundraiser.