Message From SDPOTC President ’23-’24

Greetings Families,

Though I couldn’t have articulated it at the time, one of the things I longed for most in those early days of twin parenthood (besides sleep, of course) was to be seen and understood. While many in my close circle of family and friends were parents themselves – some, many times over – it was quickly apparent to me that birthing and raising multiples was a wholly unique experience. Juggling things like feeding and wake windows x 2 added a layer of complexity to new parenthood that few can relate to.

I stumbled upon the San Diego Parents of Twins Club website in the wee hours of yet another sleepless evening, and joined immediately, posting a plea for help on the group’s private Facebook page that can best be summarized as “They won’t sleep. What am I doing wrong!?” By noon the next day I had received dozens of long, thoughtful, lovingly-composed messages of encouragement from parents I had never met, but to whom I now shared a kindred connection.

“You’re in the right place,” one mother wrote. And she was right.

The first in-person event I attended felt like an exhale. I was hesitant to take my twins many places in public at that point, knowing that crying and chaos would soon follow. I’ll never forget turning the corner at the park and coming face-to-face with rows of double strollers like mine, thinking, these are people who get it. And they did.

Eventually, I found my footing as a twin mom – thanks in part to the friendships made, advice shared, and confidence imbued from this club – and knew it was my responsibility to give back to others in similar positions. I joined the club’s board in an effort to help support other twin parents who are seeking community – – who are seeking a group of people who see them and this experience for all its challenge and joy.

In my third year serving as San Diego Parents of Twins Club President, I am looking forward to reimagining our programming to better meet the ever changing needs and priorities of our community. The management of this club, and the vision for its future, remains a collaborative effort between parents generous enough to volunteer their time to this cause.

Whether you are expecting twins, in the thick of the baby and toddler stages, navigating school-aged twin challenges, or an older twin parent with advice to spare, there’s a place for you here. Member or not, our inbox is always open.

With Gratitude,

Nia, Mother to 5.5-year-old B/G twins